Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Where did the time go??

I'm back!

I would ask if you even noticed I've been gone, but let's just assume you have. Where have I been you ask? I'll be happy to tell you.

1. Moving into a new job. I am still in Special Education, but heading down a completely different path at the moment. So far it's exciting, challenging, terrifying and rewarding all in one.

2. Finishing Calculus II. The end of Calculus occurred on Saturday, November 17 at 4 pm. There was celebrating. A very yummy raspberry margarita, shrimp fajitas and some shopping. 3 more weekends and I will have earned a Master's Degree. There might need to be a party to celebrate that one....

3. Continuing on my fitness journey. I think I assumed at some point this would become easy for me. Don't misunderstand, many things are easier. Bear Crawls and Rope Climbs don't make me want to cry. I can do Burpees without worrying about getting sick. I still struggle with Valslider Army Crawls and being able to do a pull-up still eludes me. What I am realizing is that I have a choice to make everyday. Will I do what I know I should, which means exercise and eat in a way that will help my body? Or will I half-ass it and end the day feeling pretty rotten?

Most often I choose to do what's best for my body. When stress mounts as it has lately and sore, tight muscles are complaining (I now know all about my piriformis muscles...) I have to force myself to do what's right. I am thankful I know what is right, I haven't always. That pint of  Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream tastes good, but the feeling if I eat the entire pint is not a good one. I'm learning that those first 1 or 2 bites are what taste the best, the others just don't. So if it doesn't taste as wonderful I should stop eating it, right?? Yep, working on that one still.

I have new measurements for you too. Just finished up a 5 week session and am looking forward to this recovery week. I'm going to keep active, but perhaps step it back a notch while I work on stretching out those piriformis muscles so I don't end up with pain that radiates up and down my back and butt. Nothing like wondering if your tailbone really is on fire to make elusive sleep stay even further away.

A note for anyone wondering why you won't see a weight measurement here. I have to step away from the scale for awhile. It seems to be stuck at the same number and I know my body is changing. I don't want that one number to make me crazy so I'm not going to measure my weight. I'll go with inches, body fat percentage and how my clothes fit. I will step on the scale once a month, but it won't be the way I measure progress.

So without further ado and mindless chatter...here are those numbers:

Body Fat Percentage: 26.2% (down 3.8% from Oct. 8)
Hips: 47.5 inches (down 1.75 inches from Oct. 8)
Waist: 39.25 inches (down 0.25 inches from Oct. 8)
Thigh: 26.25 inches (same as Oct. 8)
Arm: 13.50 inches (up 0.25 inches from Oct. 8)

I was going to give you the grand total so far for inches and body fat percentage, but I'll save that for after measurements in December and give you a year end total since that will be about 12 months since I started this journey. I'm thrilled with my numbers and this new stronger body.

Thank you for your continued support and interest in my journey and as always: Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go! I HAVE wondered where you were, but knew you were taking classes and very busy. Awesome job on everything!
