Wednesday, October 31, 2012

It's Worth It

I've been quiet for some time now. Mostly because real life found me under my lurking rock and dragged me kicking and screaming out. Not much time to write when your goal is to get back under your rock and hide.

Yes, I have changed in the past ten months, but I haven't changed that much. When things get overwhelming I still choose retreat. If you corner me I'll come out fighting, but at heart I prefer fleeing.

As you have probably guessed I lived through my break from exercise. When I came back I was hesitant and unsure about deadlifting again. I know it wasn't the deadlifts that caused the problems. That blame would be mine for choosing to ignore my body's signals that all was not well and I needed to back off. Last night in personal training I did deadlifts again. It was 185 pounds, not my record of 305 pounds but it felt good. Actually it felt amazing. I used proper form, concentrated on lengthening my spine and not even a twinge from my lower back. Maybe my heavy lifting days aren't over after all. :)

I got to show Ben my rope climbs last night too. He was there the first time I ever did them when I could barely haul myself up and going down consisted of thumping to the floor because my arms hurt too much to lower my body. My arms still hurt last night, but I did it. I'd like to think I impressed Ben, but then I'm a teacher's pet at heart. I did get a high five when personal training was over...I'd say I did a good job.

Last Friday morning I got a gift from a friend. Someone I really admire actually, because she pushes herself to be better every time and she makes most of the things we do in class look easy. She framed a print for me and now that print takes place of pride on my desk. Thanks Ami for thinking of me and giving me the nudge to get up, dust off and get back to it.

For those who are curious I'll post it. I believe you can find it on if you want it for yourself . 

It will hurt.
It will take time.
It will require sacrifice.
It will require dedication.
It will require willpower.
You will need to make healthy decisions.
You will need to push your body to its max.
There will be temptation
And days when you want to give up,
But when you reach your goal,

I guess since I've left my comfort zone far behind it's probably time to walk away from my lurking rock too. I'll miss it, but there's a big wide world out here that I've ignored for far too long. I know it won't always be easy or fun, but it's what I have to do.

Thank you for taking the time to read and to let me know you're reading. I know everyone who reads this has a million other things clamoring for their attention and I hope this blog offers a small break.

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