Monday, October 8, 2012

Numbers, numbers everywhere!

I am two days into my break from bootcamp and I have one thing to say: I HATE THIS!

It was so hard to walk into Derby this morning and just have my measurements taken. I was going to go to All-Star Workout tonight and get a workout in anyway, but I am smart enough and adult enough to know listening to my instructor is going to be much better for me in the long run. So I am sitting here to write this blog post, then I'm going to get off my butt and clean. I have to do something, even if it involves cleaning.

I know I need a break, I know it is for the best, I know it is only one week and nothing irreparable will happen in one week. I know all these things and I'm reminding myself of them constantly. I would like to take a moment to thank Tyler for telling me I needed a break (no, I am not being sarcastic...okay, I am not being too sarcastic).

I suppose this is a way for me to learn patience and that I need to be careful. I should have learned that by now, but since I didn't there's no time like the present. Did I mention it's a VMI weekend too? I may have to run on Friday and Saturday so I don't explode. I don't think it's safe to face Calculus with no exercise at all.

Since this is my second post in two days I won't drag this out. I'll give you my new measurements and let you get back to your evening. There's a kitchen floor just begging to be scrubbed.

October 8, 2012 Measurements
Weight: 255 pounds
Body Fat Percentage: 30%
Hips: 49.25 inches
Waist: 39.5 inches
Thigh: 26.25 inches
Arm: 13.25 inches

Now let's see how far I've come since January 2012:

Weight: lost 38 pounds
Body Fat Percentage: 7.9%
Hips: lost 5.5 inches
Waist: lost 4.75 inches
Thigh: lost 1.5 inches
Arm: lost 1.25 inches

 I've lost a grand total of 13 inches. I have muscles I can feel in places that I didn't know there were muscles. My hipbones aren't quite as buried under fat as they once were and I was actually able to shop in an Old Navy store instead of online. I have been able to find clothes in the women's section of Kohl's instead of immediately going to the Plus Size department.

Thanks for reading...

1 comment:

  1. What great accomplishments!Focus on how far you have come and maybe you will realize you DESERVE a break for a week! I, too, am taking a break from working out..not mandated but I have a really sore knee that is telling me to give it a rest.
    I didn't get measured to day so can't share that with you. I'll go tomorrow on my lunch break.
