Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Let's get right to the important part of this blog. I have new numbers to report and honestly, with the start of the school year and another VMI weekend looming (September 7 & 8) I'm not feeling all that witty. I have some things to say, I'll say them, but first I'll give you those numbers.

Weight: 258 pounds (I checked to be sure the cat wasn't sitting on it with me, but since he's 24 pounds I sort of knew it wasn't him)

Body Fat Percentage: 29.6% (down 1.9%. Nice. :) )

Thigh: 26.75 in. (up 0.5 inches from August 7)

Hips: 49.5 in. (up 0.75 inches from August 7)

Waist: 39.5 in. (same as August 7)

Arm: 13 in. (down 1.5 inches from August 7)

So...my thoughts on these numbers? Well obviously the scale is completely defective and needs to be replaced immediately. I'm thrilled with the body fat percentage. I'm in the average range...seriously, I checked a chart: I have an average percentage of body fat. The thigh measurement doesn't bother me too much, maybe just a little bit. I want them to get smaller. Maybe instead of worrying about a number I should be thankful I have two strong legs that can move me around?

The hip measurement got me, I'm used to that going down. This time it went up and I came close to freaking out about it. Childish, but there it is...I wanted to freak out over a number. Did I? No, I managed to be an adult, but you bet there will be an extra push this month from me during classes in the next session. I like that measurement going down.

My waist stayed the same and that's OK. I expect if I up my effort that number will go down as well.

The arm measurement was a nice surprise. I haven't seen that number go down recently.

What else have I been up to? I'm keeping a food journal again. It's interesting to see what I really eat and that I'm getting better at eating supportively. I have a lean protein and a fibrous carb most meals. I'm even able to have a cheat meal without blowing my nutrition plan completely apart. After the cheat meal I'm anxious to get right back on track. I like to be in control, what can I say.

The 2 areas I need to work on with my nutrition are taking my vitamins and drinking enough water. The rule of thumb is that you should drink half of your body weight in ounces of water per day. I weigh 258 pounds...so I should be drinking at least 129 ounces of water per day. I get about 110 ounces per day, almost enough, but almost enough won't really cut it.

Then the vitamin dilemma. I know I should take them and really I don't mind taking them. The problem being I prefer to take my vitamins before bed and by the time I remember I haven't take them it's 2 am and I am not getting out of bed for anyone. I've thought of training the cat to go get them for me, but I'm guessing by the withering looks he gives me when I suggest it Gizmo has even less interest in getting out of my bed than I do. Yes, I can take them in the morning and that will probably be the solution I settle on. For the moment I am still holding out hope I can remember to take them before bed.

All right, you've spent enough time with me. Go on with your day and I'll go on with mine.

Thanks for reading.

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