Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I'm back!

I'm home from vacation and ready to write. For those curious about where I've been and why I haven't updated my blog in some time I decided to do something really radical: I took a vacation. I spent 2 weeks with a dear friend in Roanoke, Virginia and on Staten Island, NY.

Nutrition was good overall. I did skip breakfast a few times, because I just wasn’t hungry, but I tried to remember what I’ve learned about supportive eating and follow that. I like my routines after all.
I also managed to keep up on exercising while enjoying time with my friend and her family. Really 30-35 minutes of exercise first thing in the morning didn't alter any plans and it gave me more energy to face the day. Some days I used the Ben's Bootcamp DVD's but many days I chose to make up my own routine and do that. Each session started with the warm up we do before Bootcamp workouts and I added holding a plank for 1 minute 30 seconds to the beginning and end of my workouts.

On days I chose not to do a DVD I usually did 50 burpees (some days 60), 45 seconds of high knees, 40 push ups (I can do about 15 on my toes now, I'm working for 20), 50 jump squats. I even found a way to do Bulgarian split squats using furniture (a note on that: be sure what you use DOES NOT slide across the floor or you could be in for a huge surprise. No injuries, but I got a good laugh).

I also did a couple of days swimming laps with my friend. She's a strong swimmer, me not so much. I did at least 20 lengths in the pool each time we went swimming. It was not easy getting in that bathing suit and then taking off the cover-up so I could swim. Let's be honest, I felt awkward and fat. The truth of the matter was not what I was "seeing" in the mirror. My friend told me I was definitely shrinking and the bathing suit looked great. That was gratifying to gratifying.

Taking compliments is still hard. I get the thank you part out just fine, then I have to remind myself to stop. There is no need to continue on with how I am not at my goal and I still have to shop in the Plus Size department in most stores (not Old Navy anymore though: WOO HOO!!!). Those things are true, but someone telling me how good I am looking does not need to know that. They deserve a heartfelt thank you. I don't mind sharing my goals and my progress, I do that frequently and freely. I need to be gracious and accept compliments as they are given.

More exciting news: I lost 2 more pounds on vacation. :) So the grand total since January 2012 is 38 pounds lost. I was not in town when measurements were done, so I don't have those numbers to report this time. I think that's okay though. I know things are continuing to change by the way my clothes are fitting and I don't want to be so caught up in numbers that I forget this transformation is about more than weight loss or body fat percentage. At the core of the transformation is knowing that I am worth the time and effort I am finally putting into myself.

For those of you wondering how airplane seats feel now I am thrilled to report that I fit easily and comfortably in the seats on JetBlue flights. When I fastened my seat belt yesterday I had to tighten it so it fit. I’m not great at judging length, but I probably had 9-10 inches of extra belt. I remember very clearly when the belt was adjusted to be as big as it would go and it was snug. Not anymore and not ever again.

Now I have 3 days at home to prepare for 2 weeks of VMI. The best news is I am in my third year of the program and in May 2013, if all goes according to plans, I will graduate from UVM with a master’s degree. I’ll let that thought carry me through Calculus July 23-July 27. That and knowing I can only do the best I can do, no one will get more than that. I will give the class and material 100%, but I will not worry myself sick over what I can’t quite process and understand yet. That’s something else this transformation has done for me: I’ve learned to listen to myself, I know my limits and when I need a break and I won’t apologize for that. If I won’t take care of myself I can’t expect anyone else to either.

I am not sure if I will post any updates in the next two weeks we’ll see how much homework I have to contend with, but definitely stay tuned.
As always thanks for reading!

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