Sunday, July 29, 2012

I don't think so...

"My company's business model in 5 words: Create the illusion you care. . . You'd be shocked at how well it works."

I saw this on Facebook Saturday morning and I couldn't believe it. How crass, how rude...basically how condescending can someone get?? The person who posted it attempted to explain and backpedal on what they posted after some comments, but COME ON! Apparently this person doesn't know to ask "Is it kind? Is it true? Is it necessary?" before they post. Seriously, even if that comment was not meant the way it sounded and the person who posted it is a wonderful person with only the best of intentions that comment is out there now and it can't be taken back.

The part that made probably shocked me the most was that this was posted on a fitness page. Yes, maybe more fitness professionals than I want to know about feel this way. I'm choosing to keep my head in the sand if that's the case. I BELIEVE that the fitness professional I have been lucky enough to work with for the past 7 months does NOT feel this way and would never post anything like this. I don't think Ben would bother to answer my every email and be so patient with me if he didn't really care about his clients. I trust that Ben, Tyler, Mary & Stacey care and want what's best for me and everyone else in class.

Rant over, but please remember once you say or write something it is out there and you can't take it back. You can explain it, but wouldn't it be easier if you just didn't say anything that might be misconstrued in the first place??  Nope, I'm not saying I'm perfect: I say and write things I'd like to take back all the time, but I'm learning. I try to filter most things through the idea of being kind, true and necessary and when I fail I own up to it.

So how have the past 2 weeks been? Mentally I am exhausted and completely spent. All I want to do is sleep and try to recuperate. Math has never been my strong suit, but I went into the Vermont Mathematics Initiative program anyway. I regret that choice deeply sometimes, but I know at the end of the day I am doing my part to improve math instruction for my students.

As far as exercise and nutrition go I have done my best to be careful. The exercise was easier than the nutrition as it has been right along for me. I enjoyed running and my Ben's Boot Camp DVDs. Nutrition wasn't as big a struggle as it could have been. My friends were there to keep me focused on eating well and encouraging me to keep exercising. One even told me I was developing a "cute little backside" (not the exact words used, but you get the meaning).

Now math is over for the summer and I have 3 weeks until school starts. I am going to spend the time working out, eating well and training for my half-marathon in January. I will also be trying to post regularly here. I'll have new measurements to post soon.

Thanks for reading

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