Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 51

This seems to be my evening to write. Tuesdays after semi-private training you'd think the only things I would care about would be ice, Advil, water and some place soft to curl up and ignore the world. Nope, Tuesday seems to be my night to write. So on with the blog.

Semi-private training again. Well, tonight it was private training really. Just Amanda and I were there. We really missed Andrea and Theresa, but we both lived though at the end my ability to string words together into a coherent sentence was seriously compromised. So we each had our own trainer tonight. I had Ben. Coincidence? Probably not, but then I'm paranoid.

So on with the session. On day 37 I wrote briefly about that night's private training and hitting the wall, tonight was the same workout. Racked kettle bell squats 4 sets, first set with 2 Orange, 2nd set with 2 yellow, 3rd set was 2 red, final set was 2 copper kettle bells. I'm not sure on the weights of each of the colors, I'll check that out tomorrow morning and update you. Unless some kind follower knows and wants to leave a comment. That wasn't so bad, except I knew what was coming: Romanian Dead lifts and Rope Climbs.

We've established before that I like dead lifts. I like feeling strong when I can lift more than I would have believed possible. Rope Climbs are another matter entirely. I made my mind up that it was all about my best effort tonight and I gave my best effort. I made it through 4 sets of dead lifts and rope climbs. The rope climbs were slower and a lot more painful, but I did 6 reps each time.

 Not sure what a rope climb is? Well let me enlighten you. I'm sitting on the floor, holding onto a big thick rope which is over a chain or ceiling beam. I have my feet on the floor, knees bent. As I progress I will have my feet against a giant tire, then I use my arms to pull me upright and lower myself down again. The goal on the way down is slow and controlled, my goal is not to fall. Your trainer is on the other end holding the rope and encouraging you. About my fifth rep of set 3 you could have put my best friend on the other side and I wasn't moving any faster. My arms ached and I wasn't sure if there was going to be anything there when I dug deeper.

This time I found more. I finished my four rounds with those exercises and went on to plate pushes and a variation of push-ups that I cannot for the life of me remember the name of. The last time I face planted in the wall I was doing this set of exercises. This time I made it through 2 rounds. Ben planned for 4, I made it 2. The last set of plate pushes he was moving down the wall encouraging me to get to him, not to go down. That helped. I wanted to go down, but I was NOT going to let a 35 pound plate win. I'm stronger than that. I think I've proved that. Scratch that: I KNOW I've proved that!

So I'm one tired, sore Mooser on my way to a well deserved soak in an Epsom Salt bath. The contact lenses will come out and the glasses will go on. Time to really relax. Next week will be measurements...so stay tuned to see where I am now on the way to meeting my goals!

Have a great rest of the week and as always: Thanks for taking the time to read!

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