Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 44

Seriously?! Another bump?? Come on!

Yep, it's another bump in the road and I've got a choice to make again. Do I pout, whine, cry & generally annoy all my friends and people who read this blog or do I suck it up, pull up my big girl panties and move on. Right now the pouting, whining, crying option looks pretty good, but I know myself and that won't last. Sorry for any mental images my second option might have produced, but hey I like being descriptive. If I'm not going to whine I might as well try to be amusing.

Tonight's bump is courtesy of the slippery flooring in the garage. Don't get me wrong: I LOVE having a garage to put my car in, but the floor is just concrete and when it's wet it is slippery. Very slippery as it turns out. I walked one way, my left knee decided on a different route. I don't think it's serious, but right now it aches like crazy even with the ice and ibuprofen.

I'm thinking the next time I leave home I need to wrap up in bubble wrap.

So in other less whiny news I am on Day 2 of Warp Speed. It's a 28 day nutrition plan that I've heard produces amazing results. I have to say I really like that it is all planned out for me. I don't have to think about what I'm eating, I just have to look at the day and there it is. Heaven for someone like me who loves things laid out for them. Tell me what to do and I'll do it. Leave me to my own devices and I'll try really hard, but I'm easily distracted. I make no guarantees about the results when I do things on my own.

I can't believe we're a little over a third of the way through this contest. I just want to see where I am at the end, win or lose I've changed and that's what's important.

This is the beginning of a 5-week boot camp session. Week 3 and Week 5 are Hell weeks. I'll tell you more about those when they arrive. If I think about them know I might not be able to refrain from whining. Week 4 will be "bring a friend" week. So if any of you out there want to see what I do 6 days a week let me know. I'd be happy to bring you along. I won't tell you it's easy or that I love exercise, but I like the way I feel after! I know I've accomplished something and if I can do one more rep than I did the time before that's a victory and I savor it.

I am stronger than I thought I was about 5 weeks ago. I am worth the time effort and work this transformation is taking. I deserve to have all the support I am getting from all my friends. I cannot believe I am writing any of this down, but I think it's important to document my feelings and right now I feel good about where I am.

So I'm going to ice my knee, keep taking ibuprofen, drink my water and follow Warp Speed. Since I'm being honest...there will probably be some whining to, maybe a lot of whining, but I will keep going through the pain.

People keep telling me that pain is just weakness leaving my body. I wish it would leave faster and with less fuss!

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