Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 28

Vacations are fun, right? Of course they are! I'm going to visit a dear friend and her 3 (soon to be 4) kiddos whom I adore, so why am I acting like a crazy woman?

Hi, I'm Kim and I love routines! Seriously, give me a routine to follow and I will follow it slavishly if not always happily. That smile you see when I'm doing burpees at 5:40 am: not for the burpees let me assure you of that. The smile is because I am following my routine. There is a comfort in knowing what each day will bring.

Please don't think I can't step out of my routines, I can and I will. I am so EXCITED to get on that plane tomorrow night and then step off in New York City. I know my time with my friend will be exactly what I need (and hopefully what she needs too), but there's a little stress this time.

I know what to do at home, because I've been doing it now for 4 weeks. I know that these changes aren't just for the competition, they are for the rest of my life. That means I need to learn to live this way outside of my comfort zones at home, at work and at boot camp. Just when I thought I'd gotten rid of my comfort zones, I discover they've just moved. Ah well, I stepped outside them once: I'll be doing it again and again.

Life is about change and unless I'm planning on hiding under a rock changes are coming. In 8 more weeks the Mooser competition will be over. In about a year's time I will be about to graduate with a Master's Degree in Education. After that I have no idea where I'm headed, but I know there will be more change coming at me.

I will be getting 6 workouts in this week as well. I have DVD workouts to follow. I have an instructor who is expecting me to check in (though he may well wish I'd go away after a couple of days) and my friend is committed to making sure my workouts happen.

I have got this! I am going to make this week a success!

I just thought of something I HAVE to share. Something I am REALLY excited for, in addition to seeing my friend's smiling face! I can't wait to get on the plane tomorrow night and sit in my seat. The airline I'm using is better than most airlines, but the seats still aren't built to accommodate anyone who isn't "normal-sized". I flew the same airline in October and I fit in the seat, but it was tight and I sure as heck wasn't moving around much to get comfortable. Comfort wasn't even a consideration. All I remember thinking was "Oh please let the seat belt fit!" I'm looking forward to sitting in the seat tomorrow night and seeing a difference. I don't expect to suddenly have room to fit another person in the seat with me, but I'm pretty sure there will be some wiggle room this time. I'm really looking forward to that.

So when I started this post I was seriously stressed about this vacation. Right now I feel pretty calm. I'm sure there will be challenges and probably a few bumps to overcome, but I have the tools, I have the intelligence and I have the strength to figure it all out! I'm not perfect by a long shot, but I am committed to the changes I am making and I CAN DO IT!

To all of you who take the time to read this blog I hope you are getting something out of it. I'm writing this for myself, so I can look back and remember where I was as time passes, but I'm writing for other people too. Honestly, anyone reading this blog can do what I'm doing. I don't have any special skills or abilities just a desire to change. That's all you need to make a change is the desire and willingness to bring that change about.

As always, thanks for reading and supporting me!


  1. You got this, practice the principles you have learned thus far, and be consistent. I know you can do this!

    1. Thanks, you have no idea how much I needed to hear that. I do have this and I WILL do it!
