Saturday, May 26, 2012

Tire Flips, Measurements and a New Size: Oh My!

You'll be happy to hear it's been a much better week and this blog post won't be whiny or depressing. This is, of course, assuming there is anyone left reading after my last few posts.

I started the week off on Monday with a run with my friend Lisa. The route was 2.1 miles. We alternated running and walking and probably ran about a mile when we were all done. It felt  great.

Tuesday was bootcamp. The workout was GREAT! Rope Pull Pushups, Toe Touch Planks, Tire Flips and Banded Punches. I LOVED the tire flips. Lifting the tire and then pushing it and letting it slam to the floor was amazing. I felt like all my stress was being squashed under that tire. The tire was about 330 pounds and I could flip it. YEAH!

Wednesday morning was Yogalates. A different kind of workout, but every bit as tough as a bootcamp class.

Thursday morning was cardio and abs work with Hailey and Lisa.

Friday...(drum roll) Measurements and Open Gym. When I rolled out of bed at 5 am I had no intention of working out. I was going to go get my measurements taken then come home and sleep some more before work. I got to the studio and started warming up since Ben was already measuring someone else.  At that point I still thought I would get measured and leave, but while I was warming up I read the board. It was a 12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 workout and the exercises were pull ups, squat press, walking lunges, renegade rows & burpee pushups. Then I went to get measured (results in a moment) and Ben asked if I was going to workout barefoot. At that point I decided I was going to try a barefoot workout. My ankle is as strong as its ever been and my knees don't ache nearly as much, so working out barefoot didn't seem out of the question. To make a long story just a little less long I enjoyed working out barefoot, my balance sure seemed better and my arches didn't ache. I might need to think about working out barefoot more often. :) Oh...thanks Ben for telling me since I was already there I might as well workout. You were right (not that I should be surprised by that any more.)

All right, so on to the measurements portion of this post. Thanks for indulging me. :)

From April 30 to May 25:
Body fat percentage: lost 1.5% ( I am now at 30.5% body fat)
Hips: Lost 0.5 inches (now 50.75 in.)
Waist: Lost 1.5 inches (now 39.5 in.)
Thighs: Gained 2 inches (now 27 in) ~Not upset with this at all
Arms: Lost 0.25 inches (now 14.25 in)

The scale says in a month's time I've lost 1 pound. I've decided I don't like the scale very much. :)

*Did 10 Burpee Pushups on my toes. YES! :)
*2 pull ups. :)
*THE SIZE 16 JEANS FIT!!! (a little snug in the waist and hips, but they button and zip and I can breathe and bend over)
So how many inches & pounds have I lost in all since this journey began in January 2012?

Body Fat Percentage: Lost 7.4%
Hips: Lost 4 inches
Waist: Lost 4.5 inches
Thighs: Lost 1 inch
Arms: Lost 0.25 inches
Weight: Lost 36 pounds
So did the measurements change my entire outlook this week? They definitely helped, but it was much more than that. I have amazing friends and instructors who offered lots of advice and support last week and that helped even more. Part of it was also me realizing that this is my journey and my transformation and if I want my emotions to change I'm in charge of those too. I've worked my butt off (literally) to get where I am physically and now I need to bring that same focus to bear on the emotional & mental "stuff". Time to clear out that baggage the way I've been emptying my closet. 
Stay tuned and thanks for reading!

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