Sunday, February 5, 2012

Day 7

Spent a long time planning this post in my mind last night, but didn't get around to writing it. This should have been my first post, not my fourth, but I was a bit reluctant to put it out there for the world to see. You'll understand that statement better soon enough.

I am going to post my starting measurements for everyone who reads or happens upon this blog to see. Why in the world would I do this you might be asking yourself. Well, keeping the numbers between myself and my instructor isn't going to help anyone else. Maybe just maybe knowing where I'm starting from could help someone else. Also, when I am measured again I plan to share that so you might as well know where I'm starting out. Besides, these are just numbers: they tell you nothing about who I am as a person, nor do they measure my worth. They are simply numbers and to keep them to myself gives them a power they don't have.

Okay, (deep breath) here goes:

Weight: 293 pounds
Body Fat Percentage: 37.9%
Hips: 54.75 inches
Waist: 44 inches
Thighs: 27.75 inches
Arm (upper): 14.5 inches

So there you have it. That is where I am starting from. This blog is my thank you to all the people who took time from their lives to vote for me so I could have this amazing opportunity to learn from an amazing instructor and train with a fantastic group of people. 

To any of you out there reading this thinking you could never do this: you can. There isn't a magic formula and certainly no magic wand to wave that makes the inches and pounds disappear, but with hard work and attention to nutrition anyone can make a change. 

Remember too: being a good person isn't dependent on inches or pounds. You can have the prettiest, best exterior for the world to see and still be a mean, nasty, rotten, hateful person on the inside. It's not what the world sees that counts, it's who you are on the inside. 

My reason for wanting to do this is because I want to be healthier and stronger to face life's joys and "bumps" not because I want a prettier exterior. 

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