Sunday, February 16, 2014

The River

No, I am not going to talk about water in this post. At the moment it's about 10 degrees outside and I'm cold. The last thing in the world I am thinking about is cold running water. The title is more a nod to one of my favorite artists, Garth Brooks, and his song The River. The first verse of the song might give you a little more insight into the turn of my thoughts over the past week.

"You know a dream is like a river
Ever changin' as it flows
And a dreamer's just a vessel
That must follow where it goes
Trying to learn from what's behind you
And never knowing what's in store
Makes each day a constant battle
Just to stay between the shores..."
~Written By Garth Brooks & Victoria Shaw
Yes, I've been thinking about my dreams. Some of them seem determined to be realized even if I do little to foster them. Take competing in a strongman competition. It looks as if there will be one in Littleton, NH in June. Definitely close enough for me to compete. Am I sure I'll be ready? No, but I have enough trust in my mentor to know he won't encourage me to do anything he doesn't think I'm ready for. Besides, it's February. I do know June will be here before I know it, but there is time to train and decide if I'm ready or not.

Tough Mudder is approaching as well. I'm still nervous about it, not like last year when I had absolutely no idea what to expect. I know it will be a new course and new obstacles with new team members, but suddenly I'm not the "newbie", other people on the team are looking to ME for support and encouragement. Huh?? So despite my own nerves I'm pulling up my big girl panties, gathering my courage and doing the best I can to alleviate fears and anxiety for others. To those of you looking to me for support: I hope I'm not letting you down! Trust me on the day of the event I will be there right beside you, encouraging, cajoling, helping you through, over and under any obstacle you need help with. I won't be the fastest person on the course, or on the team, but I will be there.

There are other dreams I'm at a loss about how to make come true. I want to teach fitness classes, but I'm unsure of what exactly I need to do besides get training. I could remedy that by talking to the fitness professionals around me, but you may have noticed in person I'm not nearly as eloquent as I am when I write. I stumble over my words, lose my train of thought and generally just feel shy and embarrassed. Put me in front of a group of children and I feel like I'm in my element: I know what to do and if I may say so I do a damn good job. If I can't work up the courage to even ask questions I'm not sure I'm quite ready to instruct adults.

Another dream that seems to have come true while I wasn't thinking about it was my desire to be a writer. I was thinking of that again the other day and realized. "Wait a second, I have a blog. I don't have a million people who read it, but I do have people who read and comment on my ramblings. Hey, I'm a writer!"

Let's leave my dreams behind for awhile...I am straying into the territory of over thinking things. I rely on over thinking and obsessing to get me out of taking any actual action. I know what I have to do and it's time to do it. No more talk, it's time for action (Aren't you proud of me for realizing that?)

On to the past week in fitness.

It was Recovery Week at Fortitude Fitness Systems, so I had a workout Monday morning,  Yoga Corr on Tuesday and personal training on Thursday. I also attended yogalaties at the Wellness Center and took a nice little 5 minute nap during the meditation/relaxation portion of the class. Nothing like coming to and realizing you've lost a few minutes.

Monday's FFS workout was called "My Favorite Things" and I'm pretty sure Tyler was trying to do us all in. I had so much fun with that on Monday morning, I showed up again on Tuesday night before Yoga Corr to do it again. At least no one can call me a quitter. If something is hard and I don't feel I was competent at it I'm going to be back stubbornly at it again at the earliest opportunity.

Personal training was the best part of the week. Was it easy? Not one part of it. I did see progress though. Ben didn't have to hand me both 50 pound dumbbells for my shoulder presses, I was able to lift one myself and he handed one to me. I'm looking forward to the day I can get them both myself and Ben can stand back and make sure I don't brain myself. Monster walks were another challenge. I used three of the green bands this time. Squatting and walking with three bands above your knees is quite a feat. I can only imagine how it looked to those who were watching it. Ugh! Then the happiest moment of the night: the 350 pound tire came out of the back room. I know I grinned ear-to-ear. I was thinking tire flips and as you all know tire flips are my favorite exercise.

Ben added a twist to my beloved flips and I now have a new favorite exercise. I had to lift the tire, get my hands under it, drag it back 3 steps, then flip it. It was so hard to pull the tire back, but it made slamming it to the ground even more satisfying. All the frustration I felt not being able to pull the tire back as easily as Ben did could be released when I pushed it to the ground.

Saturday I got in my own workout helping a friend move. I got an amazing compliment too. I was carrying in a bookcase or something and my friend's mother introduced herself to me. I introduced myself and she said "Oh, I've heard about you. Jackie said you're the strongest woman she knows." What a wonderful feeling, I'm not "the quiet, shy one" (how I am most used to being introduced), now I'm "the strong one". I could also be the graceful one after I went down some basement steps in Bogs boots with wet soles and inadvertently invented a new event the stair luge. No serious injuries just a bruise and some stiffness. My pride is a little wounded, but honestly I fall and trip so frequently it seems normal.

Now you can go back to your evening...I'm done rambling for now. Monday is the start of a new phase at Fortitude Fitness Systems though, so rest assured there will be more rambling soon enough.

Thanks for reading.

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