1. My number one memory for 2013 won't be a surprise for anyone: Tough Mudder. It made such an impact on me I'm going to do it again. I've been told I can get therapy for that. I just smile, those people don't understand.
Simply put: Tough Mudder changed me. I thought I was getting stronger, I was pretty sure I was more fit. When I stepped across the finish line and collected my orange headband I knew I was stronger and more fit than I believed. I discovered I was stronger than all the negative comments and voices I had let take up residence in my brain. Was I perfect? Umm...NO! I found out physical pain can be pushed aside when the goal means enough to you. I learned leaning on my friends and letting them help me is not a sign of weakness. Most importantly I figured out that the people in my life telling me good things were right: I am worth it.
2. Wall of Fame. So why in the world would someone who likes having her picture taken as much as she likes having her files audited while she's undergoing a root canal be so excited about being invited to join the Wall of Fame at Fortitude Fitness Systems? To me it means I have truly crossed the line from someone at the studio to a member of the FFS family.
Don't get me wrong, I have been welcomed and made to feel important from the first time I stepped through the door. It was more my own attitude: I didn't feel like I "belonged". The plaque isn't on the wall yet, but rest assured you'll know when it arrives.
3. This one was a complete shock and surprise to me. I keep hearing that it shouldn't be a shock or a surprise and I'm sure that's true, but it still feels like it came completely out of left field. I was nominated as one of the three candidates for "FFS Badass of the Year". I look at the other two nominees and I understand why they were nominated. One has made extremely impressive gains in strength and personal records. The other nominee has had physical results that are stunning. Then I look at myself...uh, wth? I missed something somewhere...or as usual, I underestimate myself and what I've accomplished in 2013.
I've been working on trust, so as much as I'd like to email the person who picked me and ask WTH?! I am making the decision to trust his choice (...and questioning it to all my friends. Thank you guys for not just smacking me and telling me to shut up). Saturday at the Badass Appreciation Party the Badass of the Year will be announced. I wish the other two nominees the best of luck and I will cheer and clap the loudest for whichever one of them wins. Yes, I know it could be me as well, but in that case there will be even more shock and plenty of tears.
4. I flipped the 475 pound tire. I still want someone to video this and someday I might get around to actually asking for it instead of just writing about it. Baby steps here, I'm still not a fan of pictures of myself.
Every other week I do a 10 minute circuit with 6 tire flips and 12 mountain climbers to see how many rounds I can complete. I love the feeling of getting that tire up and pushing it over.The sound it makes when it slams to the turf is so satisfying. A couple of rounds of tire flips and the stress melts away.
5. Personal growth. I actually say nice things to myself now. When I make a mistake the little voice in my head doesn't fire back with "Loser", "Idiot" or any of the countless other nasty comments that were on an endless loop in my mind. More often than not the response is "deep breath, focus. Try again." Sometimes the voice sounds suspiciously like Ben when I hear "Fight", "Dominate this", "No quit". It's a nice change.
I'm slowly learning to take compliments too. I don't question people anymore. I try really hard to smile and thank the person complimenting me instead of asking them if they're nuts. I do appreciate the kind words and people taking time out of their day to let me know they notice me or something about me.
Another personal area I'm working hard on is those things that scare me. The ideas I hear and my immediate response is "Oh HELL no...no way, not me". I used to go with my gut and just say no. Now I at least force myself to think about it. If something scares me, but participating won't cause me any harm then I think I owe it to myself to give it a try. I might not be the best/prettiest/strongest/smartest, but if I never try I'll never know what I am truly capable of.
I think that's been my biggest change over year two of this journey. I feel confident enough to give myself the opportunity to experience all that is out there. I don't shy away from new opportunities because I might not be the best. I try to put my game face on and meet the challenges head on. It's not always easy, sometimes I need a well timed kick in the butt from a mentor, but I will rise to the occasion and give it my best.
Now that I'm done reflecting it is time to get serious about 2014 and what I will accomplish in year 3 of this journey to fitness, happiness and health. You're welcome along for the ride and I'd be happy to encourage you along the path if you have decided to make 2014 your year to be more fit. I'll go for walks with you and cheer you on in any way I can. I've had so many wonderful people to cheer me on it's time to pay it forward.
Thanks for reading!
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One of my wonderful Christmas gifts! TM 2014 here I come!! |
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